A young woman from Las Vegas just pronounced the words “until death do us part” for the 314th time this morning in Las Vegas, setting a new Guinness World Record for the most weddings for a single person.

27-year old Betty Carmichael from the small town of Indian Springs, North of Las Vegas, is certainly a perseverant woman when it comes to finding the man of her life.
After 313 failed marriages, she got married again Yesterday at a drive-thru wedding chapel in downtown Vegas, hoping that she had finally found “the right one for her”.

“I know I got it wrong the first few times, but I’m pretty sure that this guy, Dave…  I mean Darrell, is finally the right one.”

Even if 277 of her unions were annulled in less than 48 hours and none of the others lasted more than 3 months, Ms. Carmichael keeps a rather positive outlook on her failed relationships.

“I promised myself that I would never have sex with a man without being married to him and I’ve always respected it. That means a lot to me because I’m a good Christian.”

 Reverend Andrew James, who officiated the ceremony in an Elvis costume, says it’s the 43rd time he marries Ms. Carmichael to different men, and always hopes for her that it is the last time.

The Guinness World Record organization has confirmed that they were already aware of Ms. Carmichael’s accomplishment.

In a brief communiqué, the organization informally recognized the new record and announced that it would dispatch a representative to meet the new record holder as soon as she came back from her honeymoon.

The former record was held by a 19th Century Arab Sultan, Sheikh Ali Bin Hassan el Seoud, who married 312 times, having up to 260 wives at the same time at the end of his life.
