Toddler, 2, freezes to death in pyjamas after being trapped outside home in snowstorm

Sofia died of hypothermia
A two-year-old girl froze to death in her pyjamas after becoming trapped in her back garden during a snowstorm.
A neighbour found the body of Sofia Van Schoick early in the morning outside her home in -8 degree temperatures.
The toddler had just moved to the neighbourhood in Newport, New Hampshire, with her pregnant mum and twin brother, Camden.
Her granddad told US media Sofia was "very independent" and may have got up during the night to explore her new home then become disorientated, locking herself outside.
Neighbour Shane Rowe explained how found the girl.
The youngster is believed to have got up during the night and wandered outside

The neighbour who found Sofia's body said he hoped it was a doll, not a real child

He told local news outlet WMUR9 : "I saw a little girl next to the bottom of the stairway. I said to myself 'I hope that's a doll'."
Mr Rowe said his girlfriend had heard crying at 4am but couldn't see anything so went back to bed.
When daylight came and the Arctic storm had subsided, the body was discovered.
Sofia's frantic mum wrapped the girl in a blanket and called 911
The child had just moved to the area with her pregnant mum and twin brother 
The girl's aunt Kait Verkest said the devastated mother is "blaming herself".
She added: "My dad called me. I answered the phone and told him I'd call him back. And he said 'you need to take this call, Sofia is dead'
"I'm hoping she (Sofia's mum) finds strength and sees herself as a valuable person and continues to be a mum to Camden."
Newport Police Chief James Burroughs said: "Newport emergency personnel responded and found she was not responsive and was found to be deceased."
Her cause of death was listed as hypothermia exposure.
